A Moment with Harmony Mcnish, 2022
December 13, 2022
Critica Magazine: Synergy (cover)
Studio 401.
A Moment with Harmony McNish, 2022.
Liv Cerda
“Artists are key forces in helping people individually
and collectively take responsibility for their own
creativity and human development and, often,
for their connectivity to the rest of the world.”
– Maria Rosario Jackson, BUILDING COMMUNITY:…
With Tomás Ireland, 2021
February 17, 2021
The subject of this interview is Tomás Ireland, a Chilean-Canadian freelance editor who has collaborated with publishers such as USACH Editorial, Editorial LOM, Cuarto Propio Editorial and Mago Editores. Recently, Tomás has started running his own editorial, Georgian Bay Books, “a non-profit initiative whose main focus is to help new…